
PMH Tool 11 – Understanding why it’s Hard to Change the way we think, feel, say, and do things, and what it takes to make such changes

People often struggle to change the way they think, feel, say and do things, even when they really would like to, and have suffered serious professional, relational, health and economic consequences for the way they do. 

PMH Tool 11 – Understanding why it’s Hard to Change the way we think, feel, say, and do things, and what it takes to make such changes Read More »

PMH Tool 9 – A simple, non-judgmental way to evaluate thoughts, feelings and actions

Irrational means thinking, feeling, saying or doing something that makes your life, and perhaps the lives of others worse instead of better. Rational means thinking, feeling, saying or doing something that makes the best of bad situations, that makes your life and the lives of others better. Ideally, everything we think, feel, say or do

PMH Tool 9 – A simple, non-judgmental way to evaluate thoughts, feelings and actions Read More »

Experiences with Dr. Dean

Profoundly called as the ‘Dean of Peace’, Dr. Dean Van Leuven is a man of optimism, love and empathy. To know him is to realize the importance of life and to accelerate its elements for the core happiness of a human being. His major contribution is about Love versus Anger in the lives of humans.

Experiences with Dr. Dean Read More »

Pathways2Peace Symposium – April 5, 2022

Creating and Sustaining Inner, Social, & Global Peace through Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI/SEL) The day was hosted by Matt Perelstein, EQ4Peace, on Tuesday April 5th (his birthday!) from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm PST (California time).  Eighteen powerful speakers gave us their best information on how to create peace inside and around us.  See the links

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EQ4Peace Strategic Overview

Strategic Overview EQ4Peace Worldwide, Inc. USA-based non-profit charity, IRS 501(c)(3) EIN: 83-3607189 Current State Many of today’s social problems have been linked to a lack of emotional education. We don’t learn EQ in schools, and we don’t/can’t talk about negative emotions at home, at work or with friends, so most are left uneducated and have

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Community Idea of the Week!

  Hi everyone, Welcome to the community building corner of the EQ4Peace Newsletter. In this corner, we will explore different concepts related to communities and community building. This past year in dealing with the COVID epidemic, we’ve all been challenged at different times and to different degrees by the isolation. We’ve all been pushed to

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Leading Us into a World at Peace

Part Two* *See Part One in the first edition of the newsletter (6/1/21) EQ4Peace’s Mission and Vision    Our mission is to create global peace by cultivating inner peace (self), interpersonal peace (others) and social peace (communities) through emotional education (EQ) – worldwide.   We envision a world at peace with all its citizens practicing

Leading Us into a World at Peace Read More »

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