EQ4Peace-Nepal, Life Without Anger (LWA) Program Endorsements and Approvals

UNESCO Endorsement Letter (English and Nepali) UNESCO Representative, Axel Plathe Co-teaching LWA Teacher Training July 19, 2019   Lumbini Buddhist University Endorsement Letter (English and Nepali)   Nepal Social Welface Council (SWC) Approval to use funds to present LWAEEP in schools (English and Nepali)  

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Building Peace from the Inside Out! Join EQ4Peace’s Fall Emotional Education Campaign Teaching children how to manage their inner world, so they can create Peace inside and around themselves. People, especially kids, all over the world are struggling, emotionally.  We are afraid and becoming more and more fearful.  Fear often turns to anger.  EQ4Peace teaches

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Bio for Dess Mardan Basnet, PhD

Bio for Dess Mardan Basnet, PhD  Tarakeshwor Municipality- 6 Dharmasthali, Kathmandu, Nepal GPO Box No.13708 Phone No: 977-1- 977-1-4435779/4434320 Mobile No: 977-9841429361/9801042930 E-mails: dmbasnet@worldwithoutagner.org | dessmardanbasnet@gmail.com ORCID id (Researcher Digital Identifier): https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8471-8228 Bio Dess Mardan Basnet, PhD was born in Tarakeshwor Municipality-6, Dharmasthali, Kathmandu, Nepal in 1975. He received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Pacific Academy

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Experiences with Dr. Dean

Profoundly called as the ‘Dean of Peace’, Dr. Dean Van Leuven is a man of optimism, love and empathy. To know him is to realize the importance of life and to accelerate its elements for the core happiness of a human being. His major contribution is about Love versus Anger in the lives of humans.

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Nepal Team Attends EQ Conference in India, Awarded

February, 2020 Our Nepal team travelled to Delhi, India to attend the Forum for EI Learning (FEIL), Dr. Ashis Sen, Chairman.     Board Member DM Basnet received the Most Admired Leader Award, “For Outstanding Contribution as a Leader focused on Developing People and Organizational Capability”. Congratulations, DM, as you have personally made a permanent

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New Teachers Trained to teach ‘Life Without Anger’ Curriculum

Thirty-four teachers were trained on EQ4Peace’s Life Without Anger curriculum in Nepal, July 2019. Now, 30 new schools in and around Kathmandu are teaching EQ, to over 1,200 7th – 8th grade kids! Special thanks to our program coordinator: – Dess Mardan Basnet (DM) of World Without Anger – Nepal To our instructors:– Dr. Shishir

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Nepal’s Ministry of Education/UNESCO’s official endorsement

Nepal’s Ministry of Education/UNESCO‘s official endorsement for our managing partner, World Without Anger(WWA) and our EQ educational curriculum. Congratulations were offered to Dean Van Leuven” as a “pioneer step in direction” to “engage for broadcasting non-violence, knowledge, love and peace into life style” for the objective of “schools and campuses”.

Nepal’s Ministry of Education/UNESCO’s official endorsement Read More »

Our Mission Aligns with Other Missions

Our mission at EQ4Peace.org to teach the world Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is aligned with UNESCO‘s Education for Global Peace Sustainability. http://www.ippanetwork.org/…/unesco-chair-on-education-for…/ “… to optimize positive peace, and prevent conflicts, we need something vital in our individual and collective lives: education. Educating for peace as recently addressed by A. Guterres, in the United Nations Human Rights

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