
EQ and PMH, an overview

Emotional intelligence (#EQ) & Positive Mental Health (#PMH), an Overview by Matt Perelstein Here’s a quick TOC. – Intro – Examples – EQ Training & EQ Healing – Pasta-bilities – MCP, MCP – Now What?!? ———– INTRO ———– EQ is like Magic! I believe we can change the world, from the inside out. I believe […]

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Authentic Communication

I had to look up the term “authentic communication” because I’d never heard it before. “Effective” yes but not authentic. I like to think of communication in terms of effective vs. ineffective, or constructive vs. destructive, helpful vs. unhelpful, rational (makes life better) vs. irrational (makes life worse). First, I think you have to consider

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Community Idea of the Week!

  Hi everyone, Welcome to the community building corner of the EQ4Peace Newsletter. In this corner, we will explore different concepts related to communities and community building. This past year in dealing with the COVID epidemic, we’ve all been challenged at different times and to different degrees by the isolation. We’ve all been pushed to

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Difference Between EI, EQ & SEL

What is Emotional Intelligence and Social-Emotional Learning?   There seems to be some confusion about the terms that are used to explain the concept of Emotional Intelligence.  Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability of our brain to effectively blend thoughts and feelings.  EI can be improved in each of us.  The skills of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

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SEL & EQ in the Classroom!

      Hi everyone!              Welcome to the EQ4Peace newsletter’s first edition and to the EQ & SEL in the Classroom Corner. It will be our goal to give you information, tips, & activities relevant to the classroom in every edition.               My name is Bill Overton, EdD. and I was a classroom teacher for

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Leading Us into a World at Peace

Part Two* *See Part One in the first edition of the newsletter (6/1/21) EQ4Peace’s Mission and Vision    Our mission is to create global peace by cultivating inner peace (self), interpersonal peace (others) and social peace (communities) through emotional education (EQ) – worldwide.   We envision a world at peace with all its citizens practicing

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