- Coping with Stress: Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Reduction Techniques, University of California Lecture
- Personal Worksheets, from Positive Psychology
- https://positivepsychology.com/coping-skills-worksheets/
- Edutopia.org articles on Stress
- https://www.edutopia.org/search?query=stress
- Books on Coping Skills
- https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:coping%20skills
- Why Cope When You Can Heal?, Mark Goulston, MD & Diana Hendel, PharmD
- https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:coping%20skills
- EQ4Peace YouTube videos
- EQ4Peace EQ-101 half-hour trainings
- Workshop recordings and PowerPoints
- EQ4Peace
- EQ4SuicidePrevention
- EQ4SocialWorkers
- EQ4Counselling
- Matt’s Self-Assessment: How well can you transform your feelings? (7 questions, self-scoring, educational)
http://mattperelstein.com/wp-content/uploads/EQ_Quiz_7Questions.pdf - Harvey’s Self-Assessment EQ Quiz (15 questions, self-scoring)
https://www.TheOtherKindOfSmart.com/ei-quiz - EQ4Peace handbook (google doc, no charge for soft copy)
“Peace Through Emotional Intelligence (EQ): A Handbook for Creating Peace Inside and Around You” - Paperback on Amazon, $25:
https://smile.amazon.com/dp/8182538629 - 4,000+ Feelings Words in English
- EQ Quotes, Memes and Writings (files shared on google drive)
- Recommended Social Media Sites
- Emotional Healing / Inner Child Work:
- EQ Concepts, Language, and Skills:
- EQ for Business