Hello and I hope you had a lovely summer!! In this issue of the EQ4Peace Newsletter, we are going to present 2 more online video SEL lessons for your use as school opens and the need for the practice of SEL increases in our schools and classrooms.
The first lesson this month is entitled “Understanding the Power of Your Brain” and helps children understand the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and actions and the neural workings of our brain. The lesson contains activities to practice SEL skills, as well as discussion and journaling activities designed to encourage self-reflection, along with a lovely video showing the children that the human brain works efficiently and relies on well-learned patterns. What does this mean for us as busy people who often don’t have time to stop and reflect?
Lesson 2 – Understanding the Power of your Brain
The third lesson in this series of 12 is entitled “Understanding the Power of the Ways We Think.” This lesson focuses on the choices we make when using words and interacting with others. The accompanying video talks about becoming an “Ally” or assuming the role of a “Victim,” or acting like a “Dictator.” Kids can practice these roles and reflect on the effect words have on themselves, others, or in personal relationships. A powerful lesson that gives kids a choice and encourages them to take a deliberate pause to allow the emotional and rational brain to work together.
Lesson 3 – Understanding the Power of the Ways We Think
Please use and share these video lessons with your students and colleagues in your classroom, in advisory, or in meetings designed to increase staff understanding of Social and Emotional Learning and its benefits. The practice of Emotional Intelligence skills (EQ) is just that….a practice. In order to accomplish the first step of EQ, research directs that we become increasingly self-aware. Practicing these valuable skills allows our brains to create stronger neural pathways; the result changes our behavior to a more peaceful, loving, caring and connected community.
Please remember to review the first lesson in the June EQ4Peace Newsletter and add the two additional lessons included here to your practice of EQ with your students. Or go to TeachEmotion.com to view all 12 lessons and the scripts that accompany them. You can find out more information about Dr. Fatum or Dr. Morris on that site.
Please Remember: Once is not enough to allow the acquisition of new EQ skills. As a student of mine once said, “When you practice EQ, it becomes something that is a part of you!!”