Is World Peace Possible, by Myron Doc Downing, PhD

Who Is For World Peace?


Consider for a moment the Palestinians and Israel. Do they want peace, or do they want to control, have power, and land? Consider Antigua and Black Lives Matter. Do they desire peace, or is their goal to force their view of the world on everyone. Consider the Democratic and Republican parties. Do they want to work together for peace or want to have power, control, and change? Consider the Pro-life and the Pro-choice groups, etc. Everyone says they want peace; however, it is peace on their terms that they want.

For these people, “World Peace is Not possible

until we destroy everyone who does not believe what we believe.”

Is there anyone here that is not for world peace? World peace is a concept where “the lion lays down with the lamb, and a child will lead them.” It is a beautiful picture to hold onto, but it is only a picture. Look around. At this moment, there are currently 40 active conflicts around the world (Google). Is there anyone here that actually believes that it is possible to have world peace in our day?

Look at your relationships, considering that close to 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Many people cannot even find peace in their relationships. How can we expect to see it as a world concept?

As long as people have different ideas of what the world should look like, how others should behave, and how people should treat each other, there can be no peace. Where there is no acceptance of each other’s beliefs, there can be no world peace. That does not mean that we will not keep trying to find peace.

Does anyone remember in 1982, the holding hands for the world peace campaign? To this day, it is still the biggest campaign for World Peace ever. And what a smashing success it was in bringing world peace? Remember, of course; you do not remember because nothing ever materialized from that beautiful campaign. That massive campaign was strongly hyped by the drive-by media, public, private organizations, and colleges. If you do not believe me, Google it.

Accomplishing peace by holding hands is ludicrous. However, there is a way to find world peace, but it will require that you find peace in yourself first.

For world peace to happen, it requires individuals to find personal peace.

There can be no world peace until there are enough individuals who have found personal peace. A person fighting with feelings and emotions and filled with anxieties and fears can never be at peace.

If you believe that others should take care of you and make you feel significant and at peace, you will never find peace. If you believe that you can change other people, you will be in constant struggle and anxiety. If your piece is dependent on what other people do, you will never find personal peace or world peace because people will do what they will do, not what you think they should do.

HOWEVER, if enough people learn how to create peace in themselves, this could bring about herd immunity and produce world peace.

There is enough science today that we know how to teach people to live anxiety-free of their fears to find peace.

  • “Men are not disturbed by things, but by the view, they take of them.” Epictetus, 55 A.D.
  • “If you are paying by external things, it is not to they that disturb you, but your judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now.” Marcus Aurelius 121 A.D.
  • “You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment.” David Burns MD.
  • “You do not react to events, people, or words. You react to what they mean to you. And you are choosing the meanings.” Myron Downing, PhD

As strange as it sounds, not everyone is comfortable giving up their anxieties and fears. It is their anxieties and fears that they believe are protecting them from catastrophes. Negative thinkers are notorious for projecting all the things that could go wrong into it is going to happen!

Here are a few things that you must think/believe to be able to find personal peace. Which believes do you accept as true for your life?

  • The only person you can change is yourself. (So, stop trying to change people.) You can ask someone to change or you can hold a gun on them, but they are the one who ultimately chooses to comply with your wishes or chooses to die.
  • What you think (belief) determines what you feel > what you feel determines what you do. If you have more than one belief about something, you can end up with contradictory feelings and anxiety.
  • What you believe about when life begins determines whether you are pro-life or pro-choice. Whether people are killing the “unborn” or whether women are making decisions about their bodies depends on what you believe.
  • It is your expectations of others and yourself that create much of your anxieties. These are your “I shoulds” and “You shoulds.” If you have a lot of “you shoulds,” you will make everyone else miserable. If you have a lot of “I shoulds,” you will make yourself miserable.
  • Words have no meanings; only people have meanings that they attach to vocalizations (words). Is that a six or a nine? “I really like you.” Is that a statement of affection or a sarcastic putdown? If you heard someone say, “Woman without her man is nothing.” What would you hear the person saying about a woman or a man? Is it “Woman, without her, man is nothing.” Which meaning did you put to that phrase?
  • Do you take things that are said or done personally? If you do, you believe that you can find the meaning of words in the dictionary. You will never see the meanings of a word in the dictionary. The dictionary contains definitions, not meanings. The To Me rule says. “Whatever someone says about you says nothing about you; it only tells you about the other person, their perceptions, their judgments.”
  • You choose to think, and you can think anything you choose to think. Very few people know that they think; they believe that they are the victims of thoughts, not the producers of thoughts.

In the list below, identify the feelings that you no longer want to experience. Then, identify the feelings you would like to experience regularly. What are the beliefs that you need to believe in to go from stress and anxiety to peace?

Synonyms and Antonyms for peace from Miriam-Webster

Synonyms Peace for
Antonyms for


Accord Conflict
Harmony Contention
Calm Discord
Serenity Dissension
Tranquility Strife
Order Turmoil
Freedom  (from oppressive, disquieting thoughts) War
Stability Unrest

You can contact Dr. Downing at


1 thought on “Is World Peace Possible, by Myron Doc Downing, PhD”

  1. Helen Campbell

    A lovely summary of the subject Dr Downing.

    When people have been saying the same things for thousands of years, and the only people who know about it are those with an interest in the classics or in history, we have to wonder how we can better communicate these truths. (I can say truths because I agree with you!)

    I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

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