EQ Stats

Here are some statistical findings re: EQ

  • 11:1 Return on Investment (ROI)
    The average return on investment for six evidence-based school programs was 11 to 1; for every dollar invested there was an $11 return. (2015 review from Columbia University.)
  • Goleman (1998) asserts that “the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. …emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership”.
  • EQ in Schools — Improves Lifetime Outcomes
    There are statistically significant associations between SEL skills in kindergarten and key outcomes for young adults years later. SEL decreased the likelihood of living in or being on a waiting list for public housing, receiving public assistance, having any involvement with police before adulthood, and ever spending time in a detention facility. (2015 national study published in the American Journal of Public Health.)
  • Support for SEL is Strong
    From Young People – They see the benefits of attending schools that emphasize SEL. But most current and recent high school students believe their schools could have done better.
  • From Principals – Principals surveyed say that SEL is essential but want more guidance, training, and support. Top priorities: more training for teachers and greater access to research-based strategies for developing SEL in students.
  • From Educators – A survey of 762 educators from 15 countries by The Economist Intelligence Unit found 80% of educators believe positive emotions are critical for academic success, emotional well-being is crucial for developing foundational literacies and communication skills.
  • From Teachers – A survey of teachers commissioned by CASEL found 93% of teachers want a greater focus on SEL in schools. They agree that social and emotional skills are teachable and are calling for schools to prioritize the integration of SEL learning practices and strategies.
  • From Parents – 81% of parents believe that SEL is just as important as academic learning, according to the 2018 Social and Emotional Learning Report from McGraw-Hill Education/Morning Consult.
  • From Employers – Six of the Top 10 skills identified by the World Economic Forum involve social and emotional competence. In another survey, 92% of surveyed executives say skills such as problem-solving and communicating clearly are equal to or more important than technical skills. Companies such as Allstate, Bank of America, and Google are prioritizing SEL.
  • From the Public – A 2017 PDK poll found the public believes teaching skills such as cooperation, respect, and problem-solving are the most important factor in school quality.
  • Additional Data & Findings:
    • >1 in 3 Hiring Managers placed increasing emphasis on EI in hiring / promotion decisions.
    • 71% said EI was more important that IQ
    • 59% said they would not hire someone with high IQ and low EI
    • EI may be responsible for + 58% of variations in professional and personal success factors
    • IQ may only account for 4-25% of variances in job performance
    • In order of importance, employers say it is because those with high EQ:
      • Usually remain calm under pressure;
      • Resolve conflict effectively;
      • Are empathetic to their colleagues and act as such;
      • Lead by example; and,
      • May put more consideration into business decisions.

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