Harvey is an emotional intelligence expert, speaker, trainer and internationally published author of THE OTHER KIND OF SMART, Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success. He also writes for FAST COMPANY and has a monthly column with HR PROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE. Harvey is a TEDx Speaker with TEDx Beacon Street, Boston. In 2015, Harvey was recognized by TRUST ACROSS AMERICA as one of the top THOUGHT LEADERS IN TRUST.
Harvey has overcome major obstacles to get where he is in life. His passion clearly comes across as he inspires audiences with his stories. More than just studying the topics he teaches, he has walked the talk in his own life. Harvey is a lifelong learner whose mission is to help as many people as possible break through their barriers and reach their full potential.
Harvey lives in Edmonton, Alberta CANADA with his partner in life Sandra. He enjoys hiking in nature, jazz and blues music, travel, dogs, mountains, the ocean and cheering for the Edmonton Oilers.