Leading us into a world at peace through mastering the knowledge, skills and competencies of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), & Peace Education (PE).
By Bob Ingram
Part Two*
*See Part One in the first edition of the newsletter (6/1/21)
EQ4Peace’s Mission and Vision
Our mission is to create global peace by cultivating inner peace (self), interpersonal peace (others) and social peace (communities) through emotional education (EQ) – worldwide.
We envision a world at peace with all its citizens practicing EQ at home, school and work.
Please join us as we strive to educate kids, teens and adults everywhere on the skills, language and attitudes necessary to enable individuals, families, companies, organizations, communities and nation-states to bring Emotional Intelligence (EI/EQ), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Peace Education (PE) into practice, with the ultimate goal of creating a world at peace by 2039.
Let Peace begin with Me …, Hmmm. What does that look like? It starts with the individual – child, adolescent, young adult, adult, elderly, of all cultures and all genders – all of us. Perhaps the way is to start with oneself and make the commitment to learn, really learn, apply, and master the knowledge, skills, and competencies of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Peace Education (PE). As one practices, fails, and retries until the knowledge becomes second nature, and the skills well practiced, one becomes competent in the execution of the knowledge and skills. What are those knowledge and skills, you ask? EQ, SEL, and PE all focus on the following in some form or fashion (this is not an all-inclusive list):
o What is going on with me?
§ How am I feeling?
§ What am I thinking?
o Self-Management Skills (Choice)
§ What am I choosing to do with my Feeling(s) and Thought(s)?
· Consequential Thinking
· Critical Thinking
· Creative Thinking
· Recognition of Patterns
· Intrinsic Motivation
· Goal Setting (Noble Goal)
Ø Social (Others) Awareness
o Perception Skills
§ Seeing things from other people’s perspective,
§ Showing Empathy
§ Appreciating diversity
§ Practicing Equity
o Relationship Skills
§ Communication Skills
§ Conflict Identification, Management, & Resolution
§ Dialogue Skills
§ Collaboration Skills
§ Leadership Skills
Ø Character Development
o Responsible Decision-making
- Consequential Thinking (consequences of personal behavior; public behavior)
- Ethical Decision Making (Personal and Professional)
o Personal Values
o Professional Values
o Societal Values
Because it is not how much you know or how little you know, it is how you put one’s knowledge, skills and competencies into action that measures how much one has learned and is still willing to learn. Learning to live in peace with one’s self, as well as with others, is not a one time and done event. It is a lifetime experience, a journey – not the destination, that makes Peace on a Global scale possible. It takes me, doing my work to enhance and improve my EQ, SEL and PE knowledge, skills and competencies on an ongoing, never ending basis, as well as it takes you and the countless others of this globe doing the same. It takes the willingness to team with one another to continually learn and share with each other the experience of this “Peace Journey”.
Once I have begun to discover and share that which helps me to have intrapersonal peace (peace with self), I can then begin to work on practicing, sharing, and modeling what I have learned with and for others to co-labor (collaborate) to obtain the interpersonal peace (relational peace) I desire to have with others. As I continue to practice and improve my EQ, SEL and PE competencies my relationships have the opportunity to expand beyond just you and me to include “Us” (friends, groups, teams, organizations, communities, cities, states, regions, countries, the world …) which allows me (and you) to be a part of the global relationship that builds and sustains a World at Peace.
This is hard, hard, intrapersonal, and interpersonal work that takes a lot of sweat and tears to accomplish. It requires one to have commitment to self and to others to make it happen. I believe this effort is fundamental to the creation of the climate and culture necessary to begin to realize a World at Peace. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it can happen within one’s lifetime if enough of us commit to learning, practicing, mastering, and passing onto those who can continue our legacy building of “A World at Peace with all its citizens incorporating EQ, SEL and PE at home, school and work”.
Because the practice, sharing, and modeling of EQ, SEL & PE are fundamental to this endeavor, it requires a collaborative initiative where each and every one of us seeks out others to teach, learn, practice with and hopefully begin to master the numerous competencies that will enable us to co-create together the reality of living in a World where our efforts, intentions and actions result in an outcome of thoughts, feelings and actions of the head and heart with the resulting message being one of kindness, empathy, compassion, appreciation and care. Will you join us, EQ4PEACE, in pursuing and realizing our Vision of “A World at Peace”.
Let Peace begin with Me…
Then Me & You
Then Us and Others…
Until It Is Throughout the World!!